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Make your homes for sale in Hertford more attractive to buyers…

Posted by The Abel Estate Agent Team on April 3, 2023

… so they sell fast even when the market slows down.

In our last journal article, we talked about the impact on the property market of the cost-of-living crisis – and of ever-rising interest rates. And going by the assessments of major financial institutions including Lloyds Bank, The Halifax, Nationwide Building Society and the Government’s Office for Budget Responsibility, which predict drops in values ranging from 4% to a whopping 9%, it’s in for a pretty rough patch through 2023 at least. So what does that mean for those of you who have homes for sale in Hertford or Hertfordshire?

Well, it’s too early to hazard much of a guess as to what Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Spring Budget on the 15th March, or indeed the accompanying forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility, will contain. Although this will be the Chancellor’s first chance to reassess the effect of all those Bank of England interest rate increases, we think it’s safe to say one budget won’t change very much.

You can’t stop the market slowing down. You can do quite a bit, though, to speed up the sale of your property by making it more attractive to prospective buyers. So here are a few tips for making your home look sexier and more alluring inside and out – most of them cost little or nothing and many are incredibly easy too!

It might seem obvious but make sure you clean everything, everywhere, until it’s squeaky clean: wash the windows, wipe down all the tiles and mop, polish and vacuum all the floors – not forgetting to get rid of limescale scum on baths, sinks, and taps and unsightly, grotty grouting. It’s important to clean the air, too: especially if you smoke. Surveys show that nasty smells are buyers’ number one turn-off – so make sure the kitchen’s well-aired, that linen, towels, and curtains are freshly laundered and fragrant, pour drain unblocker down all plugholes to make sure no nasty niffs arise from them and, if you smoke, try leaving bowls of vinegar around the place for a few days. Then open all the windows, and you’ll find the smell of smoke disappears along with that of the vinegar!

Talking of bad smells, you might want to give your bins a thorough hose-down with a generous splash of disinfectant ­– and perhaps move them somewhere unobtrusive. Mind you, not every smell is off-putting. It never does any harm to have a fresh pot of coffee brewing when people come to view – or even fresh bread in the oven for the super-committed! An even easier way to fill a room with fragrance is to decorate it with plants and flowers – adding vibrant colour at the same time.

And then there’s light! Make sure there’s plenty of it by replacing any dead bulbs and perhaps getting some extra electric lamps to brighten dark corners or to highlight attractive features. Even in broad daylight, you can make light work for you – use wall mirrors to fill rooms and hallways with light and make them seem far bigger. 

On the pricier side, it’s also well worth considering a kitchen upgrade. Surveys show that the state of a property’s kitchen is often a deciding factor, especially since it’s usually the most valuable room by the square metre – but you needn’t necessarily replace the whole thing. It’s amazing the difference you can make simply by replacing the cabinet fascias and doors. Sleek new countertops can make a terrific impact too – they cost a fair bit but then again, they add real value too. 

Finally, why not give the place a fresh coat of paint! It may seem obvious, but it doesn’t cost the earth, and it makes a powerful, positive and immediate impression. And while you’re at it, you might want to think about the current colour scheme. Remember, you want to help prospective buyers to visualise the place as their own home – and the best way to do that is to use fairly neutral colours that create a sense of light and space.

Of course, we’re barely skimming the surface here – but get yourself in the speedy sales mindset, and we’re sure you’ll spot more scope for improvements to help your home buck the trend.

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